Stripe Sections
The page content of a full-width page is composed of stripe sections.
"Stripe" is a row added via Page Builder and wrapped in a full-width background.
The Annuity theme has various types of stripe sections with different types of background you can choose from when setting the parameters for a row in Page Builder.
Light Grey Solid Background
Transparent Background
Pale Solid Background
with smaller top and bottom paddings ("Narrow Stripe" option)
White Background
Primary Color Solid Background
Secondary Color Solid Background
Pale Solid Background
with light bars at the bottom of stripe
Light Grey Solid Background
with dark bars at the bottom of stripe
Default Background Image
different for each color scheme
Custom Background Image
with solid transparent upper layer + diagonal lines
Custom Background Image
with gradient transparent upper layer
Pattern Image Background — Light Grey
Here is the example of preferable usage:
- left column — image (PNG with transparent background)
- right column — text
Pattern Image Background — Dark Colored
in the demo mostly used for the bottom stripe
Light Grey Solid Background
with wordgram background image at the top of stripe
Dark Colored Gradient Background
with diagonal pinstripe
Light Grey Solid Background
with wordgram background image on the left side + V-shaped notch at the top of stripe
Full-width image in stripe's left column
with secondary color background
Can be used with the following solid backgrounds: secondary color, light grey, pale.
Recommended parameters for the image:
- image ratio — 4/3 (more text), 3/2 (less text)
- minimum width — 1000px
Full-width Grey Background
in the left or right column of stripe section
+ Solid Background
Can be used with primary color or secondary color solid backgrounds.